Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer
Criminal Offenses

DWI (Driving While Intoxicated)
Texas has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to driving with drugs or alcohol in your system. If you get pulled over and undergo a breathalyzer test that results in 0.08% or higher, then you will be arrested for Driving While Intoxicated (DWI).

Assault and Family Violence
Typically referred to as Domestic Violence, being accused of assault and family violence may result in even heavier penalties than assault against anyone not in your family. This can lead to jail time, fines, or the loss of other freedoms.

Sex Offenses
Sexual offenses are some of the most challenging to mitigate. If you have been accused of a sexual-based offense, this can put your and your family’s livelihood at risk. These offenses can include different types of rape, assault, and indecency.

Drug Charges
Texas’ zero tolerance policy for drug possession can land you in serious problems. Punishment for Marijuana, Cocaine, Oxycodone, Heroin, and even controlled substances can include jail, penalty fines, and the loss of other freedoms.

If you have been charged with committing theft, you may have a hard time securing any job or going to a good school. Depending on the severity of the theft committed, you risk paying substantial fines and even facing jail time.

Aggravated Assault
Aggravated assault is defined as assault that results in causing serious bodily injury with the use of a deadly weapon. This charge can result in 2-20 years in jail and an additional penalty fine.

Aggravated Robbery
Similar to Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Robbery is defined as a robbery that results in causing serious bodily injury with the use of a deadly weapon. This charge can result in 5 to even 99 years in jail and an additional penalty fine.

Being accused of kidnapping is defined as taking someone and either confining them or transporting them against their consent. In Texas, the punishment can include several years in jail and paying up to $10K.

Motion to Revoke Probation
Sexual offenses are some of the most challenging to mitigate. If you have been accused of a sexual-based offense, this can put your and your family’s livelihood at risk. These offenses can include different types of rape, assault, and indecency.

Motion to Adjudicate
Texas’ zero tolerance policy for drug possession can land you in serious problems. Punishment for Marijuana, Cocaine, Oxycodone, Heroin, and even controlled substances can include jail, penalty fines, and the loss of other freedoms.

Expunctions and Non-Disclosures
Expunctions and Non-Disclosures are legal procedures for clearing a person’s criminal history. Expunctions can permanently remove crime entries but its use is very limited in the state of Texas. Non-Disclosures prevent criminal entries from being exposed publicly.

Traffic Tickets
Minor traffic violations such as speeding, running a red light, illegal parking, and others, result in issuance of traffic tickets. Traffic tickets can be contested in court and, if done successfully, can save you on fines but will take a good chunk of your time.

Federal Cases
Federal cases include those regarding a violation of the U.S. Constitution, federal laws, or cases between different states. These cases are tried and decided in a U.S. Federal Court. Our law office can consult on such cases and we can refer you to other firms that specialize in it.