Basic Information
Joaquin Jimenez’s office is conveniently located in Houston, right off of the Gulf Freeway in between IH 610 and Broadway/Park Place. The address is 7575 Gulf Fwy, Houston, Texas 77017. The office is 10 minutes south of downtown on I-45.
Joaquin Jimenez is usually in court on most days. It is best to call 832-804-8440 to make an appointment to speak with him. On most days, Mr. Jimenez will be available to meet with you that day after court.
NO. Very rarely is it ever a good idea to speak with a law enforcement officer who is investigating a crime. I say this to everyone, even someone who had absolutely nothing to do with the crime in question. This is not because you are hiding something, but because of this: If an officer believes, rightfully or not, that you were or are involved in a crime; anything you say will be used against you.
I have found cases where the officer does not report everything that an otherwise innocent person says during an investigation. Some facts get left out.
On DWI cases, you have 15 days from the date of arrest to contest the suspension of your Texas Driver's License. Hiring a lawyer within the 15-day window could be the reason your license is not suspended.