Houston Aggravated Assault Lawyer

Aggravated Assault, Kidnapping, Sex Offenses and Murder

The criminal charges listed are some of the most serious charges an individual can face. Not only does getting charged with said crimes carry a deep social stigma but you can also expect the prosecutors to pursue such cases vigorously. Therefore, it is imperative for an individual to engage the services of an experienced Houston criminal attorney such as Joaquin Jimenez.

Aggravated Assault 


Houston Aggravated Assault Charges

Aggravated Assault Laws in Houston

Houston Aggravated Assault Penalties

If an assault resulted in serious bodily harm or it involved the use or exhibition of a weapon, it becomes an aggravated assault charge.

Aside from ascertaining the elements of Assault are present in the offense, the cornerstone of an Aggravated Assault charge is establishing serious bodily injury or the involvement of a deadly weapon.

As mentioned above, Aggravated Assault is a second-degree felony and carries with it a prison sentence from 2 to 20 years and a fine of up to $10,000. However, in some cases, the Aggravated Assault can be bumped up to a first-degree felony with a prison sentence of 5 to 99 years and a fine of up to $10,000.



Houston Kidnapping Charges

Kidnapping Laws in Houston

Houston Kidnapping Penalties

Kidnapping is a second-degree felony punishable by stiff fines and long prison time. The priority is to minimize prison time by initiating pre-charge negotiations to try to plea down the charge to an Unlawful Restraint, which is a Class A misdemeanor.
In Texas, Unlawful Restraint is distinguished from Kidnapping. Unlawful Restraint is restricting a person’s movement without his or her consent, by moving the person from one place to another or by confining the person using force, intimidation, or deception. 

Kidnapping, on the other hand, uses the term abduction, which is the act of hiding or a person in a place where he is not likely to be found. Violence is also typically employed to prevent the victim from escaping or rescue.
Kidnapping is a third-degree felony with a prison term of 2 to 10 years and a fine of up to $10,000. Aggravated Kidnapping, on the other hand, is a first-degree felony with 5 to 99 years prison term and a fine of up to $10,000.

Sex Offenses 


Houston Sex Offenses Charges

Sex Offenses Laws in Houston

Houston Sex Offenses Penalties

There is a long list of crimes considered as Sex Offenses under Texas law, ranging from state jail felony up to first-degree felony. Additionally, a person convicted of a Sex Offense is typically required to register in the Texas Sex Offender Registration Program.

There is a long list of crimes considered as Sex Offenses under Texas law. Most of these sex crimes are considered felonies, ranging from state jail felony up to first-degree felony, and as such carry steep fines and significant prison time. Additionally, a person convicted of a Sex Offense is required to register in the Texas Sex Offender Registration Program. Failing to register as a sex offender is also considered a felony.

Sex Crimes such as Sexual Assault, Indecency with a Child, and Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child, are all felony Sex Offenses, while acts such as public lewdness or indecent exposure classify as misdemeanors. Aside from jail time and fines, individuals convicted of Sex Crimes are required to register as sex offenders.



Houston Murder Charges

Murder Laws in Houston

Texas is known for being tough on violent crimes such as assault, manslaughter, and murder. As a state that leads the country in executions, anyone charged with Murder in Texas should find a competent lawyer that will vigorously advocate for his or her behalf.
Murder charges are filed when a person: a) causes the death of another person intentionally, b) intends to inflict serious bodily injury to another person that resulted to that peron’s death, c) causes the death of another person during the commission of a felony. 

There are aggravating circumstances that can enhance the murder charge into a Capital Murder, which are: 

Murder occurs during a robbery, sexual assault, or kidnapping

Murder occurs while defendant is escaping from jail or prison

Victim of the murder is under 10 years old.

Victim is a fireman, police officer, or judge.

Multiple murders during a criminal act.

Houston Murder Penalties

Murder is typically treated as a first-degree felony with a sentence of 5 to 99 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. Capital Murder, on the other hand, is also a first-degree felony but can warrant the offender the death penalty or life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. For grave criminal offenses, such as the ones mentioned above, the burden is on the state prosecutors to prove that the required elements constituting the crime are present to establish that the accused is guilty. This is the opportunity an experienced Houston criminal lawyer such as Joaquin Jimenez can utilize to mount a solid defense to gain a favorable outcome such as mitigated jail time or an acquittal altogether.

Houston Criminal Lawyer That Will Fight For You

Joaquin Jimenez treats all of his clients with compassion and unbiased open mindedness because he believes everyone deserves to have a fighting chance in a court of law. He is committed to protecting and advocating for the rights of the accused and their access to competent legal representation. Let Joaquin Jimenez fight for you. Call us now for a consultation.

Let Us Be Your Voice

When you’re in the middle of a legal case, the right lawyer can change its entire trajectory. We will do all we can to advocate for your rights and achieve favorable outcomes.


Joaquin Jimenez is a Houston-based attorney specializing in crime and personal injury. Being in the middle of a legal battle is not easy, but The Law Office of Joaquin Jimenez is here to advocate for you and protect your rights.