In addition to fighting criminal charges, we can also defend your financial rights if you have sustained a physical or psychological injury due to: Car & Auto Accident, Bus Accident, 18-Wheeler Accident, Motorcycle Accident, Chemical & Oil Plant Accident and Explosion, Product Liability, Class Action Lawsuit, Workers’ compensation, Defective Pharmaceuticals or Asbestos and Mesothelioma.
Being charged with a crime is a stressful and often fearful situation to be in. If you have been charged with DWI, Assault and Family Violence, Sex Offenses, Drug Charges, Theft, Aggravated Assault, Aggravated Robbery, or Kidnapping, Motion to Revoke Probation, Motion to Adjudicate, Expunctions and Non-Disclosures and Traffic Tickets you can look to us to speak on your behalf.
If you have been charged with a crime or have sustained a personal injury, please contact us for a free consultation in which we can learn more about your case and how we can help.
When you’re in the middle of a legal case, the right lawyer can change its entire trajectory. We will do all we can to advocate for your rights and achieve favorable outcomes.