Houston Personal Injury Law News

Tips for Driving Safely this Holiday Season

Tips for Driving Safely this Holiday Season

‘Tis the season for holiday parties, last-minute shopping, crowded highways, and winter weather. The holidays are intended to be a time of joy and celebration, but this time of year can also make our roads more dangerous than usual, and a Houston car accident is more likely to occur as a result. That’s why we've assembled these tips for safe driving this holiday season and avoiding personal injury. Perhaps with more awareness, we’ll make the right choices before getting behind the wheel and while on the road that will prevent harm to ourselves and others. Should you run into trouble while driving and need a Houston car accident lawyer, the Law Offices of Joaquin Jimenz will work tirelessly to be your voice in a time of need. 

Avoid Holiday Car Accidents with These Tips from our Houston Personal Injury Lawyer

According to the Texas Department of Transportation, December was the second-deadliest month in 2021 for Texas roadways. There are many factors that make this time of year more dangerous for driving than others, but our Houston car accident lawyer offers these tips that can help keep you and others safe.  

Don’t Drink and Drive

It’s no secret that driving while under the influence can have deadly consequences. The law requires all drivers maintain a blood alcohol content of less than 0.08%, but how many drinks it takes to put you over the legal limit varies widely from person to person. In fact, a 120-pound adult is likely to be legally drunk after only two drinks in a one-hour period. If you’re hopping from one holiday party to another or get on the road immediately after drinking, you could be putting yourself and others at risk for a drunk driving car accident. The best way to avoid a drunk driving car accident is to abstain from all alcohol if you plan to drive, or select from one of many ride-sharing options in town. If you've been arrested and charged for driving while intoxicated (DWI), schedule a consultation with Joaquin Jimenez as soon as possible to ensure you have an experienced criminal defense attorney fighting to protect your rights.

Buckle Up

According to data from the Texas Department of Transportation, 53% of people who were killed in car accidents were not wearing their seatbelts. Seatbelts save lives and are legally required in the state of Texas, with those who fail to buckle up facing expensive fines in addition to risking life and limb. 

Slow Down

We’re all in a hurry to get that shopping list finished, find a good parking spot, make it to grandma’s house, and beat the traffic at the end of the Christmas pageant, but speed is a major contributor to holiday car accidents. This is especially true in inclement weather common this time of year, as road conditions become slick or even potentially icy, maki

Remain Calm in Moments of Stress

The holidays are a time of joy and peace, but the stress that accompanies this time of year impacts our ability to remain merry and bright behind the wheel. Road rage is more common this time of year when everyone’s stress level amplify, so find ways to remain calm when driving: listen to peaceful music, take deep even breaths, and avoid driving in traffic or hazardous conditions, if possible. 

Need a Houston Personal Injury Lawyer? Joaquin Jimenez Will Fight for You

For those in search of a Houston car accident lawyer, you can trust that The Law Offices of Joaquin Jiminez will be your voice and fight for your rights with compassion and persistence. If you were in a recent crash, call us as soon as possible to ensure your rights, assets, and physical wellbeing are protected and prioritized.

Personal Injury FAQ

Personal Injury FAQ

If you or someone you know has been involved in an accident that resulted in damage to property, loss of income, physical injury, emotional trauma, or loss of life, then you are entitled to compensation that can be collected by pursuing a personal injury case in a court of law. Joaquin Jimenez is an experienced Houston personal injury lawyer who can give you a fighting chance and get you the positive outcome you deserve. Call us for any questions you might have about personal injury cases.

What to Do When Involved in a Car Accident?

In case of a car accident, the priority is to secure immediate medical attention by dialing 911. The next thing you can do that can significantly increase the chances of a successful settlement is to document the details of the accident. Take note of the time and the plates of the vehicles involved. Take pictures and videos of the accident scene and secure contact information from people who have witnessed the event. Never admit fault or apologize as your statements may be used against you when you pursue a claim. The next step is to contact a car accident lawyer such as Joaquin Jimenez, who will advocate for your rights and advise on the next steps to take.

Do I Need a Personal Injury Lawyer to Handle My 18-Wheeler Accident Injury Claim?

Having a lawyer is not necessary to pursue a personal injury claim. However, engaging the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer's services can improve the chances that you are awarded the positive outcome you deserve. In 18-Wheeler accidents, for example, multiple parties may be held liable such as the truck driver, the trucking company, the cargo company, and the manufacturer. The services of a personal injury lawyer knowledgeable of the specific regulations governing 18-wheeler accidents will prove invaluable. An adept personal injury lawyer can easily handle these negotiations with different parties and if it comes to a full-blown trial, build and present a strong and credible case. These huge companies will most likely be represented by experienced lawyers. Having a compassionate personal injury lawyer advocating for you can give you a fighting chance.

What to Expect If I Get Charged with Drunk Driving or Driving Under the Influence (DUI)?

When it comes to drunk driving and DUIs, immediately securing the services of a competent DUI lawyer is crucial because there are aspects of these cases that are urgent and time-sensitive. A competent DUI lawyer will advise their client to immediately secure a DMV hearing. This ensures that the DMV doesn’t suspend their client’s license before the hearing where they can challenge the merits of the case and mount a credible defense.

How Much Is My Oil, Refinery, or Chemical Plant Accident Personal Injury Case Worth?

The specific number for a personal injury case involving injuries sustained while working on an oil, refinery, or chemical plant will depend on the nature of injuries and cannot be accurately ascertained until one have consulted with a personal injury lawyer such as Joaquin Jimenez. Nonetheless, as with most personal injury claims, you and your lawyer will be requesting compensation for the following:

  • Loss of income due to missed work
  • Cost of hospitalization
  • Cost of medicines
  • Cost of future rehabilitation sessions and future follow-up consultations
  • Physical trauma
  • Emotional and psychological trauma
  • Damages to property

What is a Workers’ Comp?

Workers’ Compensation is a type of insurance that provides wage replacement and medical benefits to employees who are injured in the job. It can pay for a variety of medical expenses, lost wages, and also death benefits to the surviving family of members who have died on the job. While the primary function of a Workers’ Comp is to provide insurance coverage for injured workers and limit the civil liability of the company, in some cases, the insurance company may not want to pay out the full amount of compensation. The insurance company may highlight pre-existing conditions to deny the payout of benefits. Other tactics that bad faith insurance companies employ are delaying the payout of benefits and incorrectly computing medical bills and lost wages. In such cases, it is important to acquire the services of a skilled workers’ comp lawyer such as Joaquin Jimenez. An experienced attorney can help you navigate the legal system and ensure that your rights are protected. Joaquin Jimenez will make sure that you will get the compensation that you deserve. Call us now and get the compensation you deserve!

Let Us Be Your Voice

When you’re in the middle of a legal case, the right lawyer can change its entire trajectory. We will do all we can to advocate for your rights and achieve favorable outcomes.


Joaquin Jimenez is a Houston-based attorney specializing in crime and personal injury. Being in the middle of a legal battle is not easy, but The Law Office of Joaquin Jimenez is here to advocate for you and protect your rights.